Baseball Toaster Fairpole
Server Troubles Today
2006-02-08 15:34
by Ken Arneson

Sorry for the server troubles today. I'm still not quite sure what the problem is. The server started acting like it was overloaded with traffic, but I don't see any evidence of traffic levels being any higher than normal. It's a bit of a mystery.

I tweaked the server settings a bit to adjust to this phantom traffic load, and it seems to be helping, knock on wood. But if it keeps up, I'll have to move things over to a more powerful (read: expensive) server.

2006-02-09 01:07:35
1.   Ken Arneson
Just a little test of another tweak...
2006-02-09 01:14:18
2.   Ken Arneson
A second test.
2006-02-09 01:18:14
3.   Ken Arneson
A third test.
2006-02-10 10:10:03
4.   Ken Arneson
test 4
2006-02-10 10:18:53
5.   Ken Arneson
test 5
2006-02-10 10:19:42
6.   Ken Arneson
test 6
2006-02-10 11:27:18
7.   Ken Arneson
test 7
2006-02-10 12:21:06
9.   Ken Arneson
test 8
2006-02-10 12:21:54
10.   Ken Arneson
test 10
2006-02-10 12:23:48
11.   Ken Arneson
test 11
2006-02-10 12:27:33
12.   Ken Arneson
test 12
2006-02-10 13:08:20
13.   Ken Arneson
test 13

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