Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Some of our writers have been itching to expand their brain dumps beyond baseball into popular entertainment. Hence, we present, Toaster.TV.
I'm paying $32/year for that domain name, might as well use it, eh? Put it out there and see what happens.
Your Baseball Toaster account should work on Toaster.TV, too, but you'll have to log in separately. I could do a fancy-pants redirect-and-set-multiple-cookies trick to avoid the multiple logins, but I have other priorities right now.
It's possible there are some bugs. I didn't test it all that vigorously. If you see any, let me know in the comments below, or email support @
Actually when I first read this I thought it was going to be baseball posts from our various toaster authors via video instead of print. Would be interesting to have some windows media plugin type posts. The Griddle could probably do live streaming video 24/7. :)
vr, Xei
As a former programmer, I'm well aware of "now that you've got it to do that, can you make it do this" syndrome, but that doesn't stop me, you'll notice.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.